Family Law Blog
How Do California Divorce Courts Deal with Restricted Stock Units?
During a divorce, either you and your spouse will have to divide your assets or you will have to…
6 Reasons Getting Married (Again) Might Be a Truly Great Idea
After a marriage ends, we might experience many difficult emotions. And why wouldn’t we? After…
How to Determine If You’re Receiving the Right Amount of Child Support
Do you have questions about how much child support you are receiving? It’s not unusual for life or…
Depression and Divorce – One is Hard Enough without the Other
In our fast-paced, stress-filled world it seems more and more people are dealing with depression.…
Why You Must Read Your Prenuptial/Postnuptial Agreement Carefully—No Matter How Much You Trust Your Attorney
Do you read every contract before you sign it? The whole thing? If you don’t, you’re not alone.…
Chris Rock, Will Smith, the Oscars, and Lessons for Your Marriage
I’m not one to pay attention to celebrity news, but this March it was impossible for all of us to…
Managing Your Fear During the Divorce Process
The end of a marriage is an incredibly difficult time for everyone involved and it can bring up…
How Do California Judges Award Spousal Support in a Divorce?
I recently met with a very nice gentleman for a consultation. Unfortunately, after 12 years of…
Collaboration and Divorce: The Pros and Cons
Can two people ending a marriage really cooperate to create good outcomes for themselves and their…
Is Divorce Mediation Right for You? Here Are Two Emotional Roadblocks That Could Cost You Dearly.
One of the many potential benefits of divorce mediation over a litigated “courtroom” divorce is…
How Do You Know If Your Prenuptial Agreement Is Valid? Here Are 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Preparing Yours.
A prenuptial agreement is an extremely valuable contract intended to protect you should the…
Can a trust or estate plan protect your assets during a divorce?
Planning for the end of life—much like planning for the end of a marriage—is something…
8 Lessons We Can Learn From the “Gray Divorce” of Bill and Melinda Gates
When one of the world’s wealthiest couples announces their divorce after decades of marriage, the…
How Bill and Melinda Gates Can Make Their Divorce Easier On Their Children
"Bill and Melinda Gates - NPG Washington DC" by FaceMePLS is licensed…
How to Know if You are Hiring a “Real” Collaborative Attorney?
These are the questions to ask the attorney you are interviewing:1. “What percentage of your…